Rafal Al-Rawi

He had completed my M. B. Ch. B. from College of medicine, University of Almustanseria, Baghdad, Iraq in 1999. He got F.I.C.PATH from The Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization in Pathology, Iraq in 2006. His thesis title was: Expression of ? -HCG and its pathological aspects in breast tumors. His experience is as follows: Primary resident (1999-2001) in Alelweyia Hospital for obstructive and gynecology; Childhood Central Hospital; Alyarmook Hospital (surgery and medicine) and Alkadumiya Hospital (dermatology and emergency). Permanent resident (2002-2006) in Alkadumiya Hospital (histopathology, cytology, biochemistry and microbiology laboratories). Participation in histopathology laboratory at Razgary Teaching Hospital and private laboratory in Erbil, Kurdistan (2007-till now).

About Perspectives

PERSPECTIVES aims at bringing the exciting world of science to a larger audience who may not have the requisite knowledge to understand complex and technical research findings as those published in conventional journal articles.

Perspectives articles are very simplified and summarized version of scientific researches. These articles tell a simple story about the research, the findings and their applications in such a manner that the article is understood by people who do not have the requisite background knowledge on the subject.


